Statistics - E8
La 8ème Ban List débute le 25/06/21 avec la décision du comité peasant de bannir Chatterstorm, Mystic Sanctuary, Fall from Favor et Balustrade Spy. Ces bans affectent les archétypes Storm (Chatterstorm), Faeries, Improbable Control (Fall from Favor & Mystic Sanctuary), Ghostly Tide (Mystic Sanctuary) et One Land Spy (Balustrade Spy).
The 8th Ban List begins on 06/25/21 with the decision of the Peasant Committee to ban Chatterstorm, Mystic Sanctuary, Fall from Favor and Balustrade Spy. These bans affect the Storm (Chatterstorm), Faeries, Improbable Control (Fall from Favor & Mystic Sanctuary), Ghostly Tide (Mystic Sanctuary), and One Land Spy (Balustrade Spy) archetypes.
Period : 25/06/21-05/11/22
Longevity : 133 days
Nb Topdeck : -
Nb Tournaments : -