Interview : GoldenerGottGG

Nom de Code : Rolling Stones

Alright alright alright, it’s time to open the borders and expose the international aspect of Peasant. Still similar at Vavan’s ones, we interview this time a German player. Let’s go for Interview n°6, GoldenerGottGG !

NB : No Franco-German friendship was hurt during this interview.

Andriana : Hi Goldener ! How are you ?

GoldenerGottGG : Hi there ! I’m doing good, how are you ?

A : Like a monday morning you know.

G : Yeah, ahah, indeed.

A : Can you quickly present yourself, and tell us why and when you started to play Peasant ?

G : Yeah ! My name is Oliver in real life, my current alias is GoldenerGottGG which means Golden God, it’s from a movie called Almost Famous. I’m 41 years old, I’m from Germany and I‘m playing Magic since I was 13 or 14, something like that.

First edition I bought cards from was Ice Age if I remember correctly. But of course back then there was no Peasant or any format in my life, I just played casual decks with just the cards I had. It was before Magic went digital.

Starting with Peasant must have been during my time at the university. I stumbled over cockatrice first, then I stumbled over the group in Ingolstadt : they invited me to join their format, which was Peasant, and they were also connected to you guys, some of you were around back then already, I remember e.g. Zomby and Zeroxceet. We played with others in real life in Ingolstadt, there were some tourneys, too. Then the group in Ingolstadt kind of started to have a life and disappeared from the scene, but now I’m back.

A : Were you called SisterMorphine before ?

G : Yeah it was my precedent alias, called after the Rolling Stones song. (Sister Morphine)

A : Have you played other formats ?

G : Yes, a little bit of chess online with my friends and son. A little bit of modern online and quite a lot of Pauper before coming to Peasant.

A : What do you like in Peasant over Pauper ?

G : Pauper is the format closest to Peasant. Regarding the speed, Peasant is faster, play slow combos and you gonna loose. It’s more diverse, the deckbuilding is more fun: You can start from a Goldfish list in pauper, or you can start from an interesting uncommon. Pauper is developing more slowly, less decks are possible. It’s a major difference I guess.

There’s one other difference : the Peasant community is way smaller : a disadvantage and an advantage : you can’t play as much as you might want but you can get to know the guys, that won’t happen in other formats.

A : What was your first Peasant deck ?

G : Oh god ! IRL, actual cards, I think it was affinity, with the cute Ensoul Artifact to turn artifacts into 5/5. It was Ensoul Affinity. After that I played a lot of Monoblack and RDW.

A: I saw that you were, with your alias SisterMorphine, the first Tron ever to perform in Peasant.

G : Maybe Tron was the first deck I played online, I forgot. Tron is fun, but ponza decks are popular, so you have to play the more controlish versions. I liked the red-green approaches with Eldrazis, and it’s not really playable atm.

A : Do you have any favorite format, deck or card ?

G : Definitely Peasant.

My Favorite deck : I think MBC, it’s my style, Sinkhole and Hymn To Tourach being both in the format is a bit overpowered, though.

My favorite Cards: So many good cards… I’de say Brainstorm. It’s such a great card, you can do so many things with it.

A : Did you have, or do you have a favorite metagame ?

G : Yeah… I don’t know. Very hard for me to answer that. I have paused for 15 years and I’m back only for 3 months. I only know the current banlist, which I find quite ok despite Hymn To Tourach and Sinkhole both not being banned. My first tourney game when I came back was playing against High Tide and I was like : « Okk, we still doing that? ». But of course I found out that a lot of things have changed.

I like the current meta, but it was fine before, I can’t remember the old bans.

A : Are there some events, players or communities you want to salute ?

G : I don’t know if it makes sense. Greetings to the guys in Ingolstadt, Galacticpresident, very nice guy, he may not read my interview but I still want to greet him. I want to thank Zombie, Zeroxceet and also you ; because y’all invited me back, and it was great, so thank you guys.

A : Do you have any future projects related to Magic ?

G : Might not make it this year to the CDF, but I would like to meet you guys in person, so I want to travel to France and take part in tourneys there. That would be a future project.

A : Do you have any word before the end (asked with a dramatic voice in a perfect English) ?

G : Yeah, thank you very much for having me in your community, it’s really great and really fun. Thank you for the interview. And, whishing a lot of fun for y’all guys, it’s time to say bye bye and cya for other highlights.

Written by Andriana, Thanks to GoldenerGottGG for his review